Oct 20, 2022
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The clock is ticking!

On October 18th, 2022, the European Commission presented its work program for 2023, including a list of initiatives to address the coming challenges for citizens, enterprises, and governments.

The Cyber Resilience Act is part of these future initiatives, cybersecurity and privacy being among the major challenges ahead.

Compliance with the CRA can be seen as a technical challenge for IoT devices, as security was often considered as an afterthought. Innovative technologies and efficient services have been developed, even for devices already in the field. As the CRA clock is ticking, it is the right time to be proactive and face the challenges rather than ignoring them. At Trusted Objects, we have technologies and expertise to fill the gap. Do not hesitate to contact us!

About this blog…


Trusted Objects team members have a long experience in the smart security industry, and are reacting to industry trends & news.