Mar 13, 2018

Security cannot be the 5th wheel of the IoT carriage

There are strong signs indicating that 2018 will be the year of the IoT ramp-up and the whole industry is now analyzing how to bring the numerous pilot projects to production.

There are 4 aspects of the IoT that are still important to consider: connectivity, interoperability, standardization and security. The last one is not the least and cannot be the 5th wheel of the IoT carriage.

We must keep aware that the dramatic growth of internet attacks we are experiencing, will also translate into more security vulnerabilities in the IoT ecosystem. The edge device could be the entry point for accessing the cloud infrastructure if it is not properly protected against logical and physical attacks. The risk is amplified by the fact that most IoT devices will be left unattended for several years (by opposition to a daily usage of a PC or a Mobile phone).

In order for IoT to deliver its promises, we must ensure that the devices sending the data are reliable and the data not corrupted and that security is built-in by design with its life cycle thoroughly managed.

The IoT carriage is starting its long journey. Let us make sure security becomes our priority, so that IoT will never be the Internet of Threat !

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Trusted Objects team members have a long experience in the smart security industry, and are reacting to industry trends & news.