to-protect is a family of lightweight secure libraries designed to protect devices and data against security attacks.
Having the same security functionalities as a Secure Element, it can be used as a software Root-of-Trust (RoT) for generic MCU-based devices:
Designed for devices with limited computing and communication capabilities.
Available in several product versions according to communication protocols.
Enable critical security functions: secure authentication, data transfer integrity and confidentiality, secure boot, secure storage and more.
Easy download into any generic MCU (ARM Cortex, RISC V…) without having to change the design of the IoT hardware platform.
to-protect benefits:
Easy security retrofit for devices already in the field through FUOTA mechanism (Firmware update over the air)
Prevention against logical and physical security attacks on IoT devices exposed to threats
Reduced code size, no impact on device performances
Easy to integrate into security management platforms
SESIP certified (Security Evaluation Standard for IoT platforms)
“to-protect an innovative secure software library to protect IP in embedded software and to enhance security in IoT applications. A cryptography and security expert shares his views on a LoRaWAN use case”