
Trusted Objects TO-Protect are lightweight secure software libraries targeted for IoT devices, running on generic MCU (ARM Cortex, RISC V…) and enabling security functions, secure storage and secure connectivity.

Information about TO-Protect is available in our video

TO-Protect offers many benefits:
  • Easy to integrate on-device Root-of-Trust ,
  • Prevention against logical and physical security attacks on IoT devices exposed to threats, 
  • Fully integrated in several IoT chains to achieve a Chain of Trust,
  • Already qualified reference design ,
  • Compatible with existing hardware (no redesign / no impact on the BOM),
  • Easy security retrofit for devices already in the field with MCU FOTA (Firmware-Over-The-Air).
TO-Protect supports different security functions such as authentication, data transfer integrity and data transfer confidentiality, secure storage, Intellectual Property protection, secure boot and secure firmware update.
It provides a highly secure implementation of cryptographic libraries, security protocols, connectivity features and secure key storage. TO-Protect includes software security countermeasures, easy-to-integrate connectivity security, reduced code size and fast execution. 
TO-Protect is delivered with reference design and with integration examples in several IoT chains, such as: 
  • TO-Protect LoRaWAN providing augmented security to LoRaWAN end-node device, with a device-to-AWS cloud integration,
  • TO-Protect TLS/DTLS providing a highly secure implementation of the TLS/DTLS protocols, with a device-to-AWS cloud integration.