Secure provisioning

Trusted Objects TOPS secure provisioning enables secret data generation and manages their provisioning into an IoT device at factory level. The solution prevents the secret keys theft into the supply chain wherever the production facilities are located in the world.


Trusted Objects TOPS secure provisioning solution provides many benefits for either an OEM production site, or a subcontractor production facilities or an IoT device programming center:  

  • Generate securely secret data: password, secret keys, digital certificate (unique per device),
  • Request certificates from an external certificate authority,
  • Manage keys diversification,
  • Inject securely secrets, certificates and configuration data into both MCU or Secure Element,
  • Enable product serialization,
  • Store securely all secrets,
  • Generate white lists or blacklists,
  • Compatible with the existing equipment: programmer, tester…
  • Server mode enabling data provisioning on several equipment simultaneously,
  • Easy to install and easy to operate with simple and user-friendly interface,
  • Cost effective solution with limited Capex and flexible licensing models.